Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The multi-religious fabric of Goa’s society shines brightly imbibed with the spirit of “Sarva Dharma, Sarva Bhava” or Equal Respect for all Religions.

The major religions are Hinduism and Christianity which together account for more than 95 per cent of the population while Islam and other religions account for the remainder 5 per cent. Unlike the common perception Goa is not a Christian majority state, but on the contrary a Hindu majority state.

Co-existence of Religious Harmony

The “ Rome of the East” abounds with some of the world famous churches and temples abound is also the place where a “divine” co-existence prevails between people of various faith. The Goan ethos has marvelously outlived the pangs of the Inquisition and religious conversions. Irrespective of whether they are Catholic, Hindu or Muslim, many Goans prostrate in symbiotic reverence before deities of other faiths than the one they profess. Religion dwells in the hearts of Goans wherever in the world they may be. Religious festivals are celebrated by people of all faiths.



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