Thursday, August 20, 2009

Budget Hotels in Goa

Range between Rs. 400/- to Rs. 1000/-
Budget hotels in Goa or Mid-range Goa Hotels are found all over Goa and form the major portion of the available accommodation. These have proper reception areas, well appointed rooms, room service and usually a restaurant.

Goa Hotels Off-season ...
Off season, these Goa hotels are the best bet for your stay. But, most of these hotels are fully booked with hordes of Charter tourists from Europe during the peak season, so finding a room might be a little difficult.

However there are still rooms to be found for the walk-in tourist although at a slightly higher tariff.

Facilities in Budget Hotels
You will find many facilities in these hotels on your stay in Goa. Here are the few facilities you will find... Mini bar, Refrigerator, Telephone, Television, Tea/coffee facility, Restaurant, Bar, Coffee Shop & Room service. Also it might include, laundry, safe deposit lockers, travel counter, shopping, doctor on call, fax & secretarial services.
Before accommodation, check with your hotel for facilities you will get.How much Budget Goa Hotels cost ?
The tariffs for rooms at such hotels range between Rs 400/- to Rs 1000/- for a good-sized room with a fan, en-suite bath/toilet, a balcony and hot and cold running water.

There are optionals such as cable TV and air conditioning also available. Most 1-star and uncategorised hotels fall in this category.



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